Today, Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ is an independent, co-educational, non-denominational school for students from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12.
We are a vibrant community in a regional setting. Our vision, mission and values reflect those of the school's founders, who established the school in 1983.
Then, 24 students enrolled in a school community that aimed to be small and personal enough for students to feel that their uniqueness and individuality mattered, yet large enough to offer a wide range of subjects and opportunities. At the time, they wrote:
"Oxley aims to develop in its students the virtues they will require to lead a happy and fulfilling life. This involves a spiritedness and sensitivity in all that they do, think and feel. It is hoped that Oxley students will carry a sense of challenge, an acceptance of their responsibilities, an awareness of the needs of others and a compassion in meeting those needs. The College seeks to develop the mind, the body and the spirit, recognising that in harmony they contribute to wholeness of being.
"Above all, we hope to engender in our students an understanding that ‘being’ is more important than ‘having’ and that it is the quality with which one thinks and feels and believes and strives which is paramount.
"All educational policies and practices have been established to develop the fundamental principles of this philosophy. High standards of dress, courtesy, conduct and involvement in Oxley activities are expected from students to help them identify with and be loyal to the principles for which Oxley stands. Oxley provides opportunities for every student to achieve. The highest achievement of all - a noble quality of person - is believed to be within reach of everyone."
The founders named the school for the Australian explorer John Oxley and the nearby hill that also bears his name. Oxley's descendants gave permission for the College to use as its badge the Oxley family crest and motto, 'Patientia et fortitudine': patience and fortitude.
The centrepiece of the campus is still the graceful colonial homestead ‘Elvo’, built in the 1880s and now our administrative centre.
In 2004, to celebrate Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ's 20th anniversary, the community contributed to a comprehensive history, A Lovingly Woven Tapestry: Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ, Bowral 1083 - 2004 by Linda Emery.
To celebrate Ë¿¹ÏÊÓƵ's 40th Birthday, we published this selection of stories reflecting on Oxley's rich history.
Enjoy to think, to dare, to dream, Â by Amanda Mackevicius
If you would like to purchase your own copy please click below.
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Like the Pin Oak tree that sits at the heart of our school, our students grow with the seasons while adapting to a changing world. From their earliest days in Pre-K to their final years in the Senior School, Oxley students learn and grow in a dynamic environment while nurturing strong roots. We are committed to our holistic approach that offers our students experiences, challenges and academic rigour while ensuring every child is seen, known and valued.