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In Year 9, students build on their previous OLE learning in an exciting cross-curricular adventure.

Based on the theme “Identity – Telling Your Story”, this innovative program expose students to ideas, people and phenomena that could not be experienced in a conventional classroom.

We want to ignite students’ passion for what the future holds and their own personal learning journey. The Rites of Passage program for Year 9 makes a significant transition toward life as a senior student.

The program has been designed around psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg’s identified needs for 14- and 15-year-olds:

  • Develop a strong sense of personal identity
  • Build healthy friendships
  • Experience emancipation from parents
  • Develop a vocational direction.

The Rites of Passage Trip sees our Year 9 students spend 10 days in Sydney, learning the practical skills of navigating a range of public transport on group-led scavenger hunts, visiting universities to experience "what's possible" and experiencing a range of theatrical productions and/or sporting events. It is a lively action-packed calendar aimed to give the students valuable opportunities outside the classroom.

The cost of Rites of Passage is included in the Distinctives Levy.